Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Laws of Priority and Pursuit

January 31, 2016

In this first session of our ‘Crazy Love Series’ we examine 2 vital ingredients to a solid foundation in a healthy relationship.  We will discover there is a God-given and ‘legitimate jealousy’ within our relationships.  We learn proper priorities and how to establish them.  And we discuss 3 major misconceptions of Love and Romance and how to restore our Romance. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Locating God Moments

January 27, 2016

In this message Dr. Ray examines ‘Locating God Moments.’  How do you locate a God moment and recognize it?  How do we step into them?  And becoming a God moment for others?  Don’t miss this moment!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Higher Decree

January 24, 2016

Joshua spoke and the sun and moon stood still (Joshua 10:13). In this message we discover how to make a ‘higher-decree’ and align with God. There is no power shortage with God. Do you want to discover how to come into Agreement with God? 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Out With the Old, In With the New

January 20, 2016

God found fault in the Old because man was unable to fulfill his part. In the New, God says 'He Will' and by His grace He provides perfect blessing for us - all we need to do is trust and believe. This session we learn how to walk in the New.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Decrees, Faith, and Salt Covenants

January 17, 2016

Words set Worlds into motion! When a Decree of authority is spoken, it has great power and does not have a ‘time value’ on it. Generations later it is as alive as the day it was spoken. You cannot Retract words, you can only Over-ride them with a Higher-decree. This is where the Salt-Covenant comes into action.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Eradicating Sin Consciousness

January 13, 2016

God says, ‘I will never, not by any means, hold your Sins against you!
How can He do this?  Because He has taken ALL SIN, and put it upon Jesus.  Jesus has PAID IN FULL the PENALTY for ALL SIN.
Satan wants us to live our lives crippled and hindered by Sin Consciousness.  He wants us to believe God is upset and angry with us.
Isaiah makes it very clear, God is NOT ANGRY with you  (Isaiah 54:9-10). His WRATH has been poured out on Jesus.  There is NO SIN on my account because Jesus Paid it ALL.
When you believe this and reject Sin Consciousness you are about to experience a great SHIFT.  From Lack to Abundance, from Sickness to Health, from Depression to Joy!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

When you pray, SAY

January 10, 2016

The bible says, “If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin.” (Romans 8:10)  This creates a problem because we know it is alive and sometimes something in us wants to align with sin. The text continues on to say, “but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness.”, In this lesson we learn how to empower that Spirit Life and why Jesus said, “this kind does not go our except by prayer and fasting,” (this kind of what?)  Jesus taught His disciples that all prayer was Relational.  Learn how to empower your prayer life and make decrees that release power.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Triumph of Righteousness

January 6, 2016

By Grace Jesus give us a Free gift called ‘the gift of Righteousness’ and all we do is ‘Receive’ it (Romans 5:17).  To Reverse the Curse, Jesus MADE us Righteous (Romans 5:19), it was not anything we did.  Learn how to Position yourself in Righteousness to be empowered to overcome condemnation, guilt and sin. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Spirit of Divination

December 30, 2015

We have been discussing the Seven enemies of our Destiny from Nehemiah.  This seventh enemy is an assault that originates within the Temple or within our Spirits and place of worship.  It is the assault of Divination. In this lesson we learn about Witchcraft, Charismatic Witchcraft and Divination.  We learn about biblical sorcery and spirits and how the enemy tries to use them to divert us from our Destiny.  We examine 5-signs that reveal witchcraft working against us and how to overcome.  We discover how to execute Authority and Blessing to defeat curses and controlling spirits.

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Power of a Decree

January 3, 2016

Job 22:28 says, "You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and light will shine on your ways.
It is time to design your future. It is time to create and fashion everything you dream about. It’s time to be Courageous and Ignite and Empower your Spirit.