Monday, March 21, 2016

The Day Sin Died

March 20, 2016 This Sunday is Palm Sunday. The Father made a deal with Jesus and you are the Fruit of it. Jesus didn't say, "I'm able to resurrect," He said, "I am the resurrection.” The Resurrection is not just what He does; It’s Who He is

Friday, March 4, 2016

God Doesn't Let His Promises Die

March 2, 2016

What do you do when the promise you've waited for dies? Join us as we explore this thought with our youth pastor Garrett Clyburn.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Sexual Fulfillment in Marriage

February 24, 2016

Sexual Fulfillment in Marriage is the plan and design of God.  Intimacy is the Gift of Marriage.  In this message we discuss healthy sex in the marriage relationship.  

Secrets of Successful Money Management

February 28, 2016

In this message we examine the 4 basic ‘Money Languages’ which are vital for Successful Money Management in marriages. Finances can be radio-active, but we will learn how to develop the purpose and assignment of our marriage and how to budget towards accomplishing it.